- 23:02 Just posted a 2.55 mi activity with @runkeeper. Check it out! rnkpr.com/a7mbwq #RunKeeper #
- 07:41 wonders who is a bigger jackass - Arnold Schwarezenegger or Mel Gibson plurk.com/p/6cl214 #
- 10:37 @DocNicole But trouble seems to find me anyway! #
- 17:16 #nowplaying Phil Collins ♪ You Can't Hurry Love #TweetMusic #
- 17:37 Gas is $3.15 #
- 19:12 RT @cnet Chicken came before egg, evidence suggests | Cutting Edge - CNET News bit.ly/cHiT5A #
- 20:58 I'm at Border's in Davis, CA gowal.la/r/CmyY #
I'm Gonna Kill Santa Claus
4 years ago